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Simone got back to me again and RssDistiller is all fixed up; my CocoaDev feed should now work for others. Just update your copy of RssDistiller.root before trying it.

I'm going to have my head down on a interesting project (which I can't talk about :) this weekend, so I will have to put off more work on my rendering scripts.

Marc Barrot seems to be going along well incorporating activeRenderer into a Tool, so I think I'll wait until he's got something releasable so I can build upon his work further and not further sully toDo.root with non-to-do functionality...

Did you know you could auto-fill an empty form field in Mozilla by double-clicking it? I certainly didn't. How useful! (And how undocumented!)

I fixed a couple of problems with the CocoaDev RSS feed (broken URLs and ordering) today. Simone Bettini of eVectors responded to me very quickly regarding my bug fix in RssDistiller, but unfortunately he didn't fix the bug quite properly for my scripts to work.

In searching the Web to see if Simone had a home page or Weblog I could link to (he doesn't), I discovered Simone had been working on a WebDAV client tool for Radio! I didn't know about it! I can't believe we never crossed paths before, as I would have really liked to have seen his work before I started working on the WebDAV upstream driver. Oh well.

Once the remaining problem in RssDistiller is fixed, you can have your very own CocoaDev feed by installing my distiller into Radio, and the RssDistiller feed directly into RssDistiller itself through the Web interface.